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Updates on the latest cyber security threats to businesses, data breach disclosures, and how you can secure your firm in an increasingly risky time.

Mar 29, 2019

Today's podcast looks at a new security guide for Canadian small business and medium businesses, the discovery of a new Android bank malware and a new tool to help track trouble

Mar 27, 2019

Today's podcast deals with an alert for Asus computer owners, a warning for software companies to be open about warnings and a study showing how much junk is on new Android phones

Mar 25, 2019

Today's podcast reports on a phony email flu alert leading to ransomware, more on business email scams and a warning to developers using GitHub

Mar 22, 2019

My podcast today covers fake name scams, people getting big money for finding bugs and UK police hit by ransomware

Mar 20, 2019

Today's podcast offers advice for Fraud Awareness Month, outlines how ransomware hit an aluminum producer and tells how to protect against spear phishing